Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting of senior ministers past midnight on Monday to review the demonetisation process and its impact so far. The meeting, held at the prime minister's residence, saw Cabinet Ministers Rajnath Singh, Arun Jaitley, Venkaiah Naidu, Piyush Goyal and other top officials of the Finance Ministry in attendance. Get more information visit at:
Speaking to news agency ANI, Economic Affairs Secretary (EAS) Shaktikanta Das said that PM Modi took stock of the availability of cash. RBI assured him that there was enough cash available for circulation in the system, Das said. The EAS spelled out a list of steps that will be come into effect from Monday, including granting exemption to "certain category of transactions" where old series of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes can be accepted in foreign investment approvals.
Speaking to news agency ANI, Economic Affairs Secretary (EAS) Shaktikanta Das said that PM Modi took stock of the availability of cash. RBI assured him that there was enough cash available for circulation in the system, Das said. The EAS spelled out a list of steps that will be come into effect from Monday, including granting exemption to "certain category of transactions" where old series of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes can be accepted in foreign investment approvals.
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